General information about me

My name is Xander Gruver and I am 19 years old. I like to play video games and watch YouTube videos in my free time. I also like to fantasize what kind of game I want to make in the future.

I plan to get a degree in computer programming, more specifically game design. I expect to graduate around 2025.

My goals are to graduate from college with a good GPA and to make a game that millions of people enjoy.

My favorite assignment from this class was the Week 6 Lab. It was about comments in HTML, which are extremely useful. It's not just used for HTML, items that are commented out are ignored by mySQL and other programming languages.


From each assignment, I feel like I'm getting better at HTML in general.

Earlier this year, I messed around with basic HTML a little bit, such as adding random images and YouTube videos. I feel like this helped me with the first few assignments.

/*My favorite Pokemon is Cyndaquil.*/